Dental-Medical-Wintertour 2013-12


KHCP-Dental-Medical-Wintertour 2013-12 to New Delhi, Takdah/Darjeeling and Kalimpong/India


Our team – three dentists and four helpers – arrived at Delhi International Airport on December 1st. After a short stay at K.I.B.I (Karmapa International Buddhist Institute) which essentially served to pick up and to control the dental units and the various dental materials and instruments, we continued our trip to Bagdogra (Northwest Bengal).
Before our departure, we got a most wonderful blessing by H.H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa in combination with various good wishes for our mission. What a beautiful beginning of our tour!

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  • Gyalwa Karmapa and the KHCP-teamGyalwa Karmapa and the KHCP-teamGyalwa Karmapa and the KHCP-team




Dental-Medical-Camp in Kalimpong/India
A first impression of India we got from the journey by jeep from Bagdogra to Kalimpong: overcrowded, colourful, chaotic, noisy, dusty – full of contrasts! The monks in Shamarpa’s Buddhist research and educational Institute have been waiting for us, and they welcomed us in a very friendly way and we got simple and convenient rooms in the guest house of the monastery.
The first day after our arrival we installed our dental clinic and we started our work. During the next three days we performed very well and effectively the dental check-up of all monks and reported the various treatment needs: extractions, fillings, professional tooth cleaning and fluoride application.
In addition, all monks got instruction in proper oral hygiene, and for the very first time in the history of the KHCP Dental Cares, controlled application of a fluoride varnish was performed to optimally protect the monks’ teeth against carious disease.
After having completed the dental treatments on monks, we extended our therapy to lay people and civilians.

  • KHCP-team and the students of Shedra KalimpongKHCP-team and the students of Shedra (Buddh.University) of KalimpongKHCP-team and the students of Shedra Kalimpong

The work in numbers:
  • Venue: Shri Divakar Vihara, Shedra (Buddh.University) of Kalimpong/Westbengal/India (1170m asl)
  • Date:   Dec 03-11, 2013
  • 88 people examined
  • 15 teeth extracted
  • 67 fillings done
  • 25 professional cleanings completed
  • hygiene and dental instructions


  • KHCP Basical checkupsBasical checkupsKHCP Basical checkups
  • KHCP Dental treatments - one of the two working unitsDental treatments - one of the two working unitsKHCP Dental treatments - one of the two working units
  • KHCP Dental instructions and exercisesDental instructions and exercisesKHCP Dental instructions and exercises




Dental-Medical Camp in Takdah/Darjeeling

Our next destination was Takdah, a Buddhist school of Shamar Rinpoche for young monks aged between 5 – 12 years.
At our big surprise and joy, the monks had prepared an open-sky-treatment-place including a central area in which a giant white umbrella protected us against too heavy insolation! As the weather conditions were fine, we ran our camp totally outside, even in the evening when the temperatures dropped significantly. Treatments were given to monks and civilians, and all the monks got hygiene instructions and group prophylaxis.
At the end of our stay at Takdah, as a sign of gratitude and generosity, the monks invited us to a tea party with singing and dancing – what a fun!

The work in numbers:
  • Venue: Vihara of Takdah/Darjeeling/India (1800m asl)
  • Date:   Dec 05-07, 2013
  • 115 people examined
  • 72 tooth extractions
  • 108 fillings done
  • 65 professional cleanings
  • 77 topical fluoride applications
  • hygiene and dental instructions

  • The KHCP-team and the studentsThe KHCP-team and the studentsThe KHCP-team and the students

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  • Our first dental working unitOur first dental working unit ...Our first dental working unit
  • dental working unit... and the 2.nd one just asideOur dental working unit
  • Dental instructionsDental instructionsDental instructions


  • Basical checkupsBasical checkupsBasical checkups
  • Basical checkupsBasical checkupsBasical checkups
  • Basical instructionsBasical instructionsBasical instructions