!Attention NEW!Donation AccountAccount Holder: KHCP e.V. |
How I can help:
- "Sustaining member" of the KHCP e.V., contribute a fixed amount monthly, at least 5 euros.
- "Tashi 60" is particularly meant for the children and teenagers in the project. You can cover the basical medical needs (healthcare) for a person for 60 Euros.
- "Tashi 108" (108€ per year ) is healthcare+, that means it includes teachings, treatments and small operations.
- "Free donation" (monthly or one-off) – can be used flexibly for special operations or acute measures.
Every small permanent donation (Dauerauftrag) enables the sustainability of our projects and allows us to plan ahead.

And this is how it works:
- Transfer the donation from your account to the account of the KHCP e.V.
- Or set up a standing order from your bank account.
- Inform us with a brief email.
- Or donate one-time or monthly directly here online via PayPal
Deutsche Spenden unter 300€ werden vom Finanzamt ohne Spendenquittung akzeptiert.
Es reicht der Kontoauszug bzw. bei PayPal generell die E-PayPal-Quittung.Infos des Finanzamtes zur Spendenbescheinigung
Note: Regular payments or standing orders can be cancelled at any time.
No Online-banking? Please print this page or photograph or download the QR-code below and take it with you to your bank.
What can a donation make
- 60€ - One year healthcare for a person
- 100€ - English teacher for 2 months
(English+healthcare/hygiene teachings) - 200€ - Operation of appendix
- 500€ - Dental checkup for 100 children
- 1000€ - Waterpurification for 1 school
- 2000€ - 8kW-current generator incl.Installation
- 6000€ - Medicaments incl. dental material
for Medicalcamp Monlam (4000 Persons) - 17500€ - Mobile dental-unit incl. accessory