Checkups and health instructions in Bodhgaya/India
Venue: Dhargye Chokhor Ling Monastery, Beru Kyentse Rinpoche´s monastery in Bodhgaya/India
Date: Oct. 2018:
All lamas and monks of Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche and Beru Kyentse Rinpoche organized a KHCP-health checkup at our Temple Bodhgaya in Bodhgaya. After that, the physicians gave heath instructions.
From: karma Temple <
To: Peter+Pia Cerveny - KHCP-Karmapa Healthcare Project <
Datum: 10. Oktober 2018 um 16:31
Subject: medical camping photo
Dear Pia and Peter,
Tashi delek!
Hope you all are well and happy life there.
Here we all monks are fine and good health. We just finished medical camping and today I am sending to you some photos. I hope you would like it.
We are very thanked to KHCP for such a wonderful facilitating for financial support of medical check-up and medicine to Karma Temple monks. We have seen very improvement on health, dental, fitness and clean in our monk’s community. We thank you very much again to all your team members.
Sarva mangalam,
Sonam Topchen (Manager Karma temple Bodhgaya)
Some of the lamas and monks after the checkups
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