Date: Dec.14-21, 2023
For the first time after the COVID-19-lockdowns the Karma Kagyu Monlam could be practiced again here in Bodhgaya led by His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje.
For the 16th time this year, the KHCP - Karmapa´s Healthcare Project - in cooperation with Khyenkong Tharjay Manjughosha - provided free medical checkups and healthcare for participants in the Kagyu Monlam as well as the local population.
This year a smaller KHCP team consisted of a total of 28 people, all of them voluntary helpers: general practitioners, physiotherapists, TTM practitioners (medicine payed by KHCP), nurses, assistants, organisers and helpers. About 1,200 patients were treated during the Monlam at following places:
- Pick-up service at Mahabodhi Temple (Bodhi tree)
- KHCP-clinic at Nyingma Gompa Bodh Gaya
- Joint clinic at Karma Gompa Bodh Gaya
- Info stall at Maha Bodhi Society Hall
We hereby like to thank Beru Kyentse Rinpoche for providing the clinic room at his Karma Gompa,
and the Monlam committee for their cooperation and support.
And of course we thank all donors of KHCP whose money we have used for buying all the medicine for this camp.
Yours Pia and Peter (KHCP).
For the next Monlam Medical Camp in Dec.2024 we are looking for the next team members.
Don´t hesitate to contact us via
Thank you by Pia and Peter.
For all volunteeers please read more about our project policies especially for the medical camps.
!The previous Postbank is still running!
New Donation AccountAccount Holder: KHCP e.V. |

Click first pic below for slideshow

For the next Monlam Medical Camp in Dec.2024 we are looking for the next team members.
Don´t hesitate to contact us via
For all volunteeers please read more about our project policies especially for the medical camps.
!The previous Postbank is still running!
New Donation AccountAccount Holder: KHCP e.V. |